Tehama County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2024 Update

HMP Documents

2024 MJHMP Update

We appreciate your engagement in updating the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP). The current draft of the HMP is now available for your review and feedback. The plan is organized into two volumes; volume 1 contains the base county plan while volume 2 contains the jurisdictional annexes, each is accessible through the links below.

Your input is invaluable to us, and we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. Thank you for helping us make Tehama County more resilient!

Volume 1 – Tehama County Base Hazard Mitigation Plan

Click the volume 1 button below to view and comment on the hazard mitigation plan:

Volume 2 – Jurisdictional Annexes to the Hazard Mitigation Plan

Click the volume 2 button below to view and comment the jurisdictional annexes to the Tehama County hazard mitigation plan:

How to Comment:

  1. Use the links above to submit comments directly on the plan PDF document (additional instruction below).
  2. Use this comment form to submit your feedback.
  3. Email our team with this comment link.


1) The PDF opens in a web browser. Use the commenting tools to add a comment.

Type your comment and when prompted, sign into an adobe account OR proceed as a guest without signing in.

2) Add comments to the PDF using the commenting tools. All reviewers can see your comments. Be sure to hit “Post” when adding a comment!

3) While reviewing, you can mention other reviewers by name using the @ symbol. Use of “tag” mentions will send a notification to the named reviewer. Additionally, you can filter comments based on status (such as Unread, Resolved, @ mentions, or reviewer name.

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