City of Benicia Open Space

Vegetative Fuels Management Plan

View the Plan!

Explore the comprehensive approach the City of Benicia is taking to enhance wildfire resilience through our Vegetative Fuels Management Plan. Delve into our innovative strategies, tailored to each unique area of our community, ensuring effective and sustainable vegetation management. Click below to access the full plan and discover how we are proactively safeguarding against wildfire risks.


Many Open Space Areas (OSA) and lots are managed by the City of Benicia, most of which are completely or partially encircled by residential development. Open the story map below to discover where the City has employed disking and grazing over the years to mitigate wildfire risk to surrounding parcels.

About Benicia’s Open Spaces

The City of Benicia currently manages over 1,700 acres of open space, much of which borders residential areas in a transition zone known as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). This intersection between natural and built environment poses unique challenges to managing wildfire risk. The City of Benicia is formalizing a Defensible Space Program to reduce wildfire risk across City-owned open space areas.

Mitigation at Home

Perform Mitigation Around Your Home!

Mitigation around your home can better prepare you and your family for an unexpected emergency or disaster incident, and help you recover more quickly. Here are some resources to get you started.

Assess Your Own Risk

Using Cal OES MyHazards, type in your address to asses your risk to natural hazards including fire, earthquakes, flood, and tsunami. Learn what you should do to reduce injuries, protect your life and those of others, and reduce damage to your home and property.

Visit to learn about different hazards and how you can prepare your home or business for these events.

Fire Mitigation At Home



Project Contacts

Stakeholder Log-In

Benicia Fire Department

Della Olm
Management Analyst

Dynamic Planning + Science

Ethan Mobley
Project Manager

Dynamic Planning + Science

Brian Greer
GIS Lead

Dynamic Planning + Science

Clare Peabody

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