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Montrose County

Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

2017-2018 Update


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Wildfire Mitigation Technique- Creating Defensible Space
Source: West Region Wildfire Council


Perform mitigation around your home!

Mitigation around your home can better prepare you and your family for an unexpected emergency or disaster incident, and help you recover more quickly. Here are some resources to get you started.


Assess Your Own Risk

Using My Colorado Hazard Information, type in your address to asses your risk to natural hazards including flooding, severe storms, seismic risks and others. Learn what you should do to reduce injuries, protect your life and those of others, and reduce damage to your home and property.


Home Mitigation Ideas

Now that you’re familiar with the hazards that have the potential to affect your community, check out some of these mitigation techniques that can be performed around your home.

West Region Wildfire Council: Free homeowner site visits, defensible space cost-share program and free community chipping: cowildfire.org/take-action
Flood Mitigation: floodsmart.gov/flood
Severe Storm Mitigation: nahb.org/en/consumers/homeownership/homeownership-articles/protect-your-home-from-severe-weather.aspx
City of Montrose Tree Trim & Replacement Program: cityofmontrose.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/65


Create a Plan

Every household should have a disaster plan!  Meet with your family members and discuss why you need to prepare for a disaster.  Discuss and explain the dangers of the various hazards that may impact your home or your community.

Click here to get started.


Build an Emergency Kit

An emergency kit is assembled so that in case of an emergency you are prepared ahead of time.  It is possible that you will need to survive on your own after an emergency and this kit should have all the basic yet essential items you will need for at least 72 hours.  Your kit should contain food and water, items in case there is a power shortage, and other items such as personal hygiene supplies and copies of important documents.

Click here to get started.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”30″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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